field siren software 8000
New Update released early 2019.
Field Siren software is a complete data suite designed to calibrate and program monitors in the field or lab.
Field SIREN was developed to operate on Windows XP or later operating system.
Data can be downloaded directly from the monitor or uploaded using the automated upload feature. Automated uploading allows data analysts to automatically confirm data integrity and quality.
Graph any recorded channel with ease.
Import any CSV file fast and easily.
Wireless Data can be directly uploaded to a FTP location using the ASCII (TEXT) comma separated file format. This will allow you to directly access data using any system and view it using any analytical application.
Wireless Data to be directly emailed, so that it can be parsed into any system that has access to email. This will help circumvent firewalls and get the data to you directly.
Wireless Data be uploaded to DropBox or Google Drive locations and organized using ASCII format and comma separated file format. This way you will have data on your local machine but also backed up in the cloud. You will also be able to share all your data with other members of your team
Wireless Data be directly uploaded to your own server using a TCP/IP driver, allowing machines to directly communicate to your server and organize data using the ASCII standard.
Instantly view logger configurations
Easy to use Windows based field programmable software makes it possible for everyone to use BlueSIREN monitors.
Click on the option you want and let the software do the rest. The programmable server setup screen lets you select a custom server without being locked into a specific vendor’s solution. Easily program wireless settings and change out SIM cards without being locked into a vendor’s wireless solutions provider.
Also Program sample rates, calibrate sensors, download data or manually upload data all at the click of a button.